Subacute Injuries
When you first experience the shock of either illness or injury, it triggers precise reactions to help you recover. Once the body starts trying to repair its own tissues, this is known as the subacute stage. Physical therapy during this time can be essential if you want to stave off more severe damage.
If you’ve experienced joint fractures, stroke, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, amputation, or cardiac conditions (e.g., COPD, heart attack), subacute care can be just what you need to help you get back to your daily routine. A physical therapist doesn’t replace your body’s natural defenses, but rather targets the affected areas to help your body work more efficiently toward your larger goals.
Because your body is still bordering on the acute stage, just one wrong move could set your recovery time back by weeks (if not longer). The right physical therapist will work with the injured area, pushing the body enough to accelerate recovery without straining any additional tendons.
This is a very important time for the body, one that can actually set the course of recovery in motion. Your treatment regimen will depend on the severity of your illness or injury, as well as your personal tolerance.
Some people may only be able to start with a few minutes a day of exercise, while others may be able to handle an hour or more. A qualified physical therapist will ensure that you’re challenging the body to do more, which can enable you to get over the injury as quickly as possible. If you’re ready to put the trauma behind you, this is a great step to take.
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